Tuesday, May 12, 2015


a major barrier to the exploration of emotional resonance in games is the puzzle-solving orientation, in which all game objects and actors are reduced to the status of things to be used in order to achieve an end

thus, soft chambers is invested in discovering ways to disrupt this orientation
whereas the traditional approach to 'closing distance’ has been to attempt 'immersion’ of the player within the game world, soft chambers believes it may be more fruitful to explore ways in which we can allow the game to spill into the player’s world


the norm for videogame development is the negation of the self; indeed, we are encouraged to pride ourselves on this negation, on our dedication to our labour against the demands of our body, our relationships
as we explore the development of games that are more caring of our players, we wish to explore modes of production that are more caring of ourselves


because videogames are the aesthetic form of rationalization, replacing punching with hugging or building with growing is not enough
but it is a start


Is Deus Ex Still The Best Game Ever?


Errant Signal - Blendo Games (Spoilers)


The story of the last two games—Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance—then becomes the process of rectifying history, of restoring it to its proper flow. Put another way, the return of the soul to its proper, divine status is the objective of vanilla Gnosticism; in Legacy of Kain the objective is the restoration of history’s proper flow.

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